Internet Privacy
This software based experiment tests how private your online information is. You search your full name or nick name to see what pops up. I searched my name and no pics of me popped up. Just my Instagram and Twitter accounts. When I searched my dad's name... We're in trouble!
This software based experiment tests how private your online information is. You search your full name or nick name to see what pops up. I searched my name and no pics of me popped up. Just my Instagram and Twitter accounts. When I searched my dad's name... We're in trouble!
The creator:
The creator is a freelance editor and research scientist called Melissa Bautista. Nothing else was mentioned about her.
- Internet
- Mobile device or computer
- Search your name on google
- Search nicknames and full names
- Search related information like phone numbers, house address, family members, or school names.
- Click on links to try and determined the origin
- Try making the origin private
Web address:
Year Published: 2016, Page title: Internet Privacy |,Website name:, URL:, Access date: 1/26/2016
Year Published: 2016, Page title: Internet Privacy |,Website name:, URL:, Access date: 1/26/2016
How this benefits the society:
Personal information being online can lead to cyber-bullying and internet piracy. This projects helps privatize ( I have no idea if that is a word) personal information and protect yourself from harmful attacks.
It took me quite some time to find this project. Most links led to science fair projects. And when they did lead to tech fair projects, little to no information would be available about the project. I search the words "Tech fair ideas" and went through many pages until one caught my eye. It provided me good information about the project and its creator. I think this would be a good tech fair idea for me because it requires little to no know about programming and technology in general.
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