Monday, November 16, 2015

Criterion D - Evaluating the Solution


Criterion A Reflection:

Reflection on research of printers

For this project I did research on 3D printing, the father of printing, and types of printers for example impact and non impact. I had to write paragraphs on each one of the topics however my post for 3D printing is missing so I plan to do it over the weekend. I enjoyed diving into 3D printing as it is an interesting topic that I have been interested in for quite some time. I also enjoyed learning about the father of printing. I don't know why because the task was kinda boring. Something I found difficult was gathering the information about the types of printers because some of the information needed to complete the task was not available online. So I had to find information from else were. If I could do one thing differently I would have added more detail in my research. My research included short paragraph and not enough detail. This was partly because I was having trouble gaining information.

Reflection on TinkerCAD tutorials

On TinkerCAD, there are tutorials to teach people how to use computer aided design, which I completed. The first time I did the tutorials, back during the summer, I quite enjoyed the pleasure I got when I completed it. I found some of them quite hard. However the second time I did, I found it tedious to do because I already did it. If I could do it again, I would have done a different one from the ones I already did over the holiday.

Reflection on TinkerCAD objects

Using TinkerCAD, I created to objects. A boat and an alien, thing. It took the whole of one lesson
 to complete it. Normally, I just play along and created anything and everything. I liked knowing what I am creating before I start creating it. What I found difficult was a part during creating the boat. I couldn't Turn the shape and I almost had a fit because it wouldn't turn. One thing I would do differently would be how I did the second shape. It was not very similar to the original shape.

Criterion B:

 Peer Evaluation by Maria

I think Josephine's blog is presented neatly and is eye-catching. She has used variations of bright colors for her work, and so it stands out from the blog's dark background. Her plan is detailed and she has labeled the steps for making her creation really simple and straightforward. Her plan is also creative and bright, and it also shows the order of the steps to create her object through a timeline.

The design is inspired from today's phones, and a variety of colors and TinkerCAD shapes have been used. The design is really bright and detailed. The screen is blue, the home button is black, there are also 2 buttons next to the home button, and there are apps. The phone does look really realistic. An added bonus is the star at the back which is obviously inspired from today's iPhones by Apple, which have an apple at the back.

Personally, I think that Josephine could have made her self-evaluation/reflection longer. She could have added more detail on her design and on how she could develop and improve it for next time. Also, she could have stated the faults she finds in her final design, and the benefits too. Lastly, when she states that "she could have added more things to the design" she could have explained what she means by 'more things' and she could have also given examples.

Overall, Josephine's blog is up to date, eye-catching and neat. Her plan is detailed and straightforward, and her design is realistic and really good. The only thing she could improve is her reflection, because it is too short and not detailed.

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